The Tough Rules You Need to Follow As You Advance Your Career

By Adam Jones

Are you employed in the corporate world, and get promoted to a higher position? Then you are supposed to gradually disengage from personal relations to your former peers, now your subordinates.

Continue at first to accept invitations to the homes of employee friends who now are your subordinates, but reciprocate only with group invitations. Then don't accept at all.

Work out a set of logical excuses for not joining the group at lunch or coffee breaks. Give your friends in the office every chance to break away from you. They know you can't remain part of the old gang.

If you are a married man, then it may be OK to let her take more time in this transition process - remember that she isn't as familiar with the office codes as you are.

Yes, the process is a gradual one but eventually there will be no contacts except in the work context. You need to understand that the higher up you climb, the more lonely it gets.

Of course, you may have known that an office caste system exists in American businesses, but did you realize the full force of this hidden management tool?

So, is this brutal system useful? Well, it is supposed to be. For instance, in one place there was a manager who had two subordinate employees, who were sloppy and doing a bad job. They were also good friends of the manager.

Now, the two clerks were directly responsible for the company's loss of $40,000 worth of business. And when their boss was asked to fire these men, he wouldn't do it. Therefore, he was fired along with his fiends, the clerks. That was the consequence of his failure to separate friendship from the demands of the business. - 18099

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