How Do I Recruit Candidates Before My Competition?

By Cade Krueger

If you set up a nurturing campaign extremely well and recruit candidates early on then you will find so much success and destroy your competition. There are several steps you need to follow in order to make this happen.

If you are not getting to candidates until a couples weeks after they have shown some level of interest then you are too late or they are probably not an ideal candidate. The best candidates you have to get to on day one before your competition does.

Candidates will start off looking for opportunities online at career pages, niche sites, forums, etc. before talking to any trusted source. This is when you can first find them. After this they will start talking with peers they have worked with before or recruiters they have had good experiences with.

It doesn't mean they are willing to leave their job, but they are losing their passion for their job and don't see a great future in their career. They want something that will excite them by not just giving them more pay, but finding really exciting work and innovative work projects.

A candidate will be willing to give up pay if it means they are doing something that they truly enjoy. You have to find something for them that fits their desired growth and where they want to go with life.

If you are filling a job for a specific location then find out exactly what the ideal candidate will be looking for. Ask candidates questions that will help lead them to the understanding of what this job can do for them.

Look for ways to leverage your sourcing by using EnticeLabs' TalentSeekr if you are looking to focus on SEM or Pay Per Click. If you want to leverage with SEO then I suggest that you use Jobs2Web. Both routes are important for leveraging your brand online and using diversity.

As you find these solid candidates you have to create solid recruiting nurturing tanks. The best way to do this is with a solid recruiting CRM like iCIMS to collect these names and keep marketing to them while saving you time. - 18099

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